[Image: Fragment of the Gough Map]
[Image: Fragment of the Gough Map]

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Full record: Gloucester

County Gloucestershire
Transcript gloucest(er)
Icon description spired church, castle, walls with three gates, stripy roofs
  • castle
  • church
  • gates (multiple)
Etymology Romano-British Glēvum (probably Celtic *glavio-, 'bright'), adopted into Old English as Gleawe + ceaster, 'Roman settlement'
Earlier editors gloucestre (Parsons)
Early Maps glocit(er) (Angliae Figura); Gloucestre (Totius Britanniae; castle, walls with one gate)
Overwritten yes
Attested spelling Gloucestr(e), -ia, -er (13th) BCS 535, 1022 (17th) KCD 1317, 1086-1337 Glouc (freq)